Create your 🎶oOPlay Link


1. Wehre you want to listen to?
Select a Service for which youi want to create a Link.
If you simply want a player link, oOPlay CDN is recommended. The CDN is located on a fast server provided by If you need a link for a self-hosted copy of oOPlay or for another service based on oOPlay. Set Custom.
2. Set specific Settings for this Domain

Each version of oOPlay from Abelia will be made available on the CDN for up to one year after its release before it is shut down. Version LEGACY will be supported until the end of 2026.
3. What type of stream do you want to hear?

If you do not want to listen to stations, select Webstream. For Webstream, you must enter the complete URL for the medium. For, only the station ID is required.
Which station do you want to hear?
Enter the name of the station you want to stream.
5. How do want to look oOPlay?
Configure Special Apereance Options:
Specify a language code to override the default language detection.


You can then copy the link from here by right-clicking with the mouse or holding your finger on it for a long time and then selecting the option "Copy link address" or "Copy link URL".

👍 Have fun with the link and your stream!

Host your own 🎶oOPlay

Does the link generator or the CDN still not offer you what you need?

Then do it yourself! oOPlay is OpenSource and needs nothing more than a PHP 7.0 server to work! And if you host it yourself, you can customize the interface as you like. And as long as you don't deny the base code, remove our credits link or otherwise violate the MIT license, we won't sue you!